Thursday, April 28, 2016

CV - 2016, Education, employment and other professional affiliations

Dr. Suzana Milevska

Visual arts and postcolonial critique of hegemonic power in art;
gender difference and feminist art;
the construction of visual memory in photographic archives;
arts in postsocialist and transitional societies;
collaborative and participatory art practices.

Dr. Suzana Milevska is an art historian and theorist of visual art and culture from Skopje, Macedonia. 
From 2013-2015 she was the first Endowed Professor at the Academy of Fine Art in Vienna and she taught Central and South Eastern European Art Histories. In parallel she was a guest lecturer at the Visual Culture Unit at the Technological University in Vienna (TUW). In 2013 she was a visiting lecturer at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje where she was teaching Visual Culture and Gender at the Gender Studies Department. She was teaching Contemporary Art 
History at FON University Skopje (2013-2014). 
She holds a Ph.D. in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths College in London (2006) where she was a Visiting Tutor and taught Framing Art: Museum and Galleries; Curatorial Knowledge; Techniques and Technologies-History and Theory of Photography, from 2003 to 2005. From 2010-2012 she taught art history and theory of visual art at the Faculty of Fine Arts – University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. From 2008-2010 she taught fine arts and digital art at BA and MA level at the New-York University in Skopje and from 2008-2010 she taught art history and analysis of styles at the Accademia Italiana Skopje and was its Dean in 2010. From 2006 to 2008, she was the Director of the Center for Visual and Cultural Research at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan” in Skopje and she taught Visual Culture to M.A. students in Gender Studies. In 2004, she was a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in Library of Congress. 
She collaborated in many academic research projects and participated at various international art and academic conferences. She lectured extensively in various renowned universities and art institutions among others at Columbia University in New York; Library of Congress in Washington DC; Oxford University in Oxford; Alvar Aalto University and KUVA in Helsinki; Royal Art Institute in Stockholm, Gothenburg University; Goldsmiths College, SEES and SOAS in London; SVAC-East Anglia University; Academy of Fine Art in Frankfurt; Vienna Technical University, University of Applied Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna; Akademie der Kunst in Berlin; Oldenburg University; IUAV in Venice, The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, TATE Modern in London, Moderna Museet-Stockholm, KIASMA-Helsinki, MUMOK-Vienna, CAMK-Japan, etc. Her publishing records range from critical reviews and theoretical texts in art magazines, peer reviewed academic journals and exhibition catalogues to chapters in academic publications and editing and publishing individual books. She published the book Gender Difference in the Balkans (Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2010) and edited The Renaming Machine (Ljubljana: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, 2010).
Milevska also curates exhibitions that focus on different socio-political issues in art: since 1992 she curated over 70 local and international exhibitions and other interdisciplinary projects that investigate new formats of presentation and mediation of art. In her projects she includes different art media, artistic research, discursive events (seminars, conferences, workshops), and her academic and curatorial research methodology combine art, academic education and life-long learning formats (summer schools, workshops, seminars). She was the initiator and curator of the Open Graphic Art Studio at the Museum of the City of Skopje (1997-2005) and was the national coordinator for the Istanbul Biennial (1994-1999). Her long term research and curatorial project The Renaming Machine (2008-2010) focused on the politics of renaming and overwriting memory in art and visual culture. In 2010 and 2011 she curated two exhibitions of contemporary art by Roma artists, Roma Protocol at the Austrian Parliament (Wiener Festwochen), and Call the Witness, BAK Utrecht which was basis for the exhibition by the same title at Roma Pavilion - a collateral event at the 54 Venice Biennale. She was also a researcher for the projects East Art Map (initiated by IRWIN, 2001-6), Gender Check (curated by Bojana Pejić, MUMOK, Vienna, 2009-10) and Call the Witness –Roma Pavilion.                                     
Milevska is a member of the Advisory Board of the journals World Art and ArtMargins and a member of AICA (since 1995) and IKT (since 2005). She collaborated with internationally-renown artists from the Balkans, SE and EE, USA, UK, Austria, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc.: Marina Abramović, Sanja Iveković, Lia Perjovschi, Marina Gržinić/Aina Šmid, Dan Perjovschi, Mladen Stilinović, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Maja Bajević, Danica Dakić, Tanja Ostojić, Oliver Musoviќ, Yane Čalovski, Hristina Ivanoska, Žaneta Vangeli, Aleksandar Stankoski, Tadej Pogačar, Susan Kelly/Stephen Morton, Candida Alvarez, Kay Rosen, Gaylen Gerber, Magnus Bärtås, Elin Wickstrom, Annika Erikson, Husseyin B. Alptekin, Warren Neidich, Hito Steyerl, Marika Schmiedt, Alfred Ullrich, Lynn Hutchinson-Lee/Hedina Sijerčić, etc.
 Milevska is the recipient of the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory; the ALICE Award for political curating (2012) and of the grant of the Foundation for Art Initiatives (2013).

2001-2006       PhD, Goldsmiths College – University of London, London, Visual Cultures Department, Gender Difference in the Balkans  
(Supervisors: Prof. Irit Rogoff, Dr. Jean-Paul Martinon)
1993-1994       Diploma, Central European College - Prague, History and Philosophy of Art and Architecture The Rhizomatic Structure of Fragments (Supervisor: 
Prof. Miroslav Petricek)
1979-1984       BA Faculty of Philosophy-University "Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Art History Department.  

2016 independent visual culture researcher, curator and art theorist
2013-2015  Endowed Professor for Central and South Eastern Europe, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2010-2012  Lecturer Professor in Art History and Theory; (undergraduates)
                   Lecturer in Aesthetics of 20th c.; and Discourses of Visuality, Faculty of
Fine Arts – University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje, MA level
2009-2010  Visiting Professor in Digital Art, Gender, Art and Media, New York University –Skopje (MA level)
2009-2010  Visiting Professor in History of Contemporary Art – FON University Skopje
2008–2009 Visiting Professor in Fine Arts, New York University – Skopje (undergraduate)
2008–2010 Professor in Art History and Analysis of Styles, Accademia Italiana - Skopje (undergraduate)
2006-2008  Lecturer in Visual Culture and Gender, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje (MA, Ph.D.)             
2006-2008  Lecturer in Academic Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje (MA, Ph.D.)
2003/2005  Visiting Tutor, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Visual Cultures, (BA/Diploma/MA)
Courses: Framing Art: Museum and Galleries; Curatorial Knowledge; Techniques and Technologies- History and Theory of Photography,

2011                     Roma Protocol, Austrian Parliament, Vienna
2010-2011            Researcher of the 2nd Roma Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2011
2006-2008          Director and initiator of the Center for Visual and Cultural Research at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje
2005                     International Curator, ‘Workers’ Club Project’ – one of the co-curators of the International Contemporary Art Biennale - Prague, Czech     
2004                     National Curator, Cosmopolis: Microcosmos X Macrocosmos – Balkan Biennial, Thessalonica, Greece
1997/2005            Curator at the Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia
1995-1999            National Curator, Istanbul International Art Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey

2013 Foundation for Art Initiatives
2012 Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory
ALICE Award for Political Curating

V. RESEARCH GRANTS:           
2004                     Fulbright Senior Research Scholarship, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. Women Immigrants from the Balkans in the Early American    
2002-2004            Overseas Research Studentship, PhD: Gender Difference in the Balkans
2001                     P. Getty Curatorial Research Grant, Representation of Women in the Early Balka
1999                     Arts Link Grant – curatorial research, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL

From 2009           World Art, Journal, Rutledge, Advisory Board’s Member
From 2005           IKT (International Association of Curators), member
From 2005           Feminist Review, Collective Member, and International Correspondent, London  
2005                     SIGGRAPH, Electronic Art Festival, L.A. USA, jury member,
                             West Balkan Artist in residence programme, NIFCA, Helsinki, jury member,
2004 / 2006          International Advisory Board of Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Japan
From 1994           A.I.C.A. (International Association of Art Critic), member
From 2002           IFUW (International Federation of University Women), member            
1998                     Exhibition "Permanent Instability" - First International Exhibition, "ONUFRI'98" Festival,
                             Tirana, Jury member,
1997                     Exhibition "Murder One," Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA – Belgrade, Jury member
1996                     Exhibition "Icon on Silver" - Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA-Skopje, Jury member


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