Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Selected bibliography, 2016

Dr. Suzana Milevska

Research, curatorial and theoretical interests:
Visual arts and postcolonial critique of hegemonic power in art;
gender difference and feminist art;
the construction of visual memory in photographic archives;
arts in postsocialist and transitional societies;
collaborative and participatory art practices.

1.     Selected books, chapters and texts in readers

“Microhistories and Internalisation of Macrohistories-A Case Study: Liljana Gjuzelova’s

Projects Eternal Recurrence and Woman’s Book at the Intersection between microhistories and macrohistories,” Microhistories. Edited by Magnus Bärtås and Andrej Slavik, Stockholm: Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, 2016, 190-207.

“Introduction: On Productive Shame, Triangulations of Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency.”

On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency. Introduction and edited by Suzana

Milevska, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016, 10-41.

 “Inside Out: Critical art practices that challenge the art system and its institutions” (with

Alenka Gregorič), Inside Out-Not So White Cube. Edited and introduction by Alenka

Gregorič and Suzana Milevska, Ljubljana: City Art Gallery, 2015, 9-27.

 “Left outside the fame, or the Impossibility of the Return of the Same.”

Apotheosis, Apocalypse, Apocryphon: Defied Nations, Deified art, Edited by Jiri Priban and Katarina  Rusnakova, (Jiri David, National Pavilion of Czech Republic, 56 International Exhibition of Art Venice Biennial, National Gallery Prague), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig, 2015, 105-116.

 “Feminist Critique-Open and Critical Enquiry-a Conversation between Katy Deepwell and

Suzana Milevska.“ Spaces of Criticism: Shifts in Contemporary Art Discourses. Thijs

Lijster, Suzana Milevska, Pascal Gielen and Ruth Sonderegger (eds.), Amsterdam:

Antennae Valiz, 2015, 171-190.

“Veils/Folds/Events-Production of face in space-time”. Now/Not Now, Edited by Renate Lorenz,            Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2015, 104-127.                           

From Institutional Parasitism to Reverse Recuperation, Agency and Solidarity-The Art of   Tadej Pogačar, Berlin: Archive Books, 2014.  

Die Potenz und die Potenzialität der Transindividualität im Lexicon of Tanja Ostojic, Berlin:           UDK, 2014.

“Agalma: ‘The Objet Petit a’, Alexander the Great, and other excesses of Skopje 2014”,

Visualise the Invisible. Edited by Lott Alfreds and Charlotte Aberg, Stockholm: Art Agent Press, 2014, 43-53.

“Master-Slave Dialectics in the Feminine”. Performative Gestures, Political Moves. Edited

by Katja Kobolt and Lana Zdravković, Ljubljana: City of Women, Ljubljana and Red

Athena University Press, 2014, 27-46.

“Dear Dirty Money, or I am Doing ‘It’ for Art and Love”. Dear Money. Bucharest:

Association Salonul de Drojecte, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014, 45-60.

“The Editor’s Notebook: The Inner Perspective of the Noologist’s Mind”

Warren Neidich Berlin Works: The Noologist’s Handbook and Other Art

Experiments. Edited by Suzana Milevska. Berlin: Archive Books, 2014, 10-24.

“On History and Solidarity: Performative Reading of Women’s Book by Liljana Gjuzelova”.

Performing the Sentence Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts. Edited by

Carola Dertnig and Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2013, 190-200.

“Becoming-Curator”. The Curatorial-A Philosophy of Curating. Edited By Jean-Paul

Martinon, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 65-73.

“Curatorial Agency” and “Kritische Kuratorien.” Handbuch Ausstellungstheorie und –praxis.

Edited by ARGE schnittpunkt, Wien: Böhlau UTB, 2013, 152, 164-165.

“Pushing the Limits of Institutional Recuperation: Sanja Iveković’s works challenging

post-Nazi context and racism”. Sanja Iveković: Unknown Heroine-Reader, Edited by

Helena Reckitt, London: Calvert 22 Foundation, 2013, 88-110.

 “With Special Thanks to: Balkan Curator, First Person Feminine”. Curating ‘Eastern

Europe’ and Beyond: Art Histories through the Exhibition. Edited by Maria Orišková,

Frankfurt/Bratislava: Peter Lang GmbH, 2013, 177-186.

“With Special Thanks to: Balkan Curator, First Person Feminine”. Women’s Museum. Edited

by Elke Krasny and Frauenmuseum Meran, Löcker Verlag, 2013, 109-121.

“Gender Difference, or the ‘Silkworm Cocoon’ of Feminist art and Curatorial Research and

Practices in the Balkans”. Politics in a Glass Case Feminism, exhibition cultures and

curatorial transgression. Edited by Angela Dimitrakaki and Lara Perry, Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2013, 227-244.

“The Eternal Return of Race: Reflections on East European Racism” (with Arun Saldanha).

Deleuze and Race. Edited by Arun Saldanha and Jason Michael Adams, Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2013, 225-247.

“Feminist Research in Visual Arts”. Art as a Thinking Process Visual Forms of Knowledge

Production, edited by Mara Ambrožič and Angela Vettese, Sternberg Press and

Università IUAV di Venezia 2013, 162-176.

“Kunst jenseits von Gesellschaft. Subversion und Recuperation der Zeitgenossischen Kunst”,

Kunst, Krise, Subversion Zur Politik der Asthetik. Nina Bandi, Michael. G. Kraft, Sebastian Lasinger (eds.), Biielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2012, 149-67.  

“The Reciprocal Relationship between Art and Visual Culture in the Balkans”. Space

(Re)solutions Intervention and Research In Visual Culture. Edited by Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, New Brunswick, USA/London, UK[transcript] 2011,101-14

The Renaming Machine-the book. Edited by Suzana Milevska (texts by Suzana Milevska,

Gayatri Chakraworty Spivak, Kristine Stiles, Jean-Paul Martinon, Zhivka

Valiavicharska, et. al.), Ljubljana, Slovenia: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, 2010.

Gender Difference in the Balkans. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag, 2010.

Art and Globalization. Edited by James Elkins, Zhivka Valiavicharska, and Alice Kim,    Pennsylvania   University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010, 61.       165, 176, 210.  

“Zwischen zwei Visuellen Ideologien. Geschlecht, Feminismus Visuelle Kultur Unt Kunst Im

Osten”. Und jetzt – Kunstlerinnen aus der DDR, 2009, Nurnberg, Germany: Verlag fur Moderne Kunst, 45-53.

“Participatory Art Practices and their Hierarchies”. PÖPP 68. participation, objections,

anyhow texts, dialogues and participation, Berlin: NGBK, 2009, 31-43.

“Femina Sacra: Bipower and Paradoxes of Humanity in the Art of Tanja Ostojić”. Integration

Impossible? The Politics of Migration in the Art Work of Tanja Ostojić, Berlin:

Argo Books, 2009, 223-9

“Cultural Translation and Agency in SEE Cultural Policy”. New Paradigms, New Models –

Culture in the EU External Relations, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Peace Institute, Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 13-14 May, 2008, 21-8

“The Hope and Potentiality of the Paradigm of Regional Identity”. ManifestaCompanion.

Edited by Adam Budak and Nina Montmann, Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2008, 330-


“Curating as an Agency of Cultural and Geopolitical Change.” Continuing Dialogues. Edited

by Christa Benzer, Christine Bohler, Christiane Erkharter, Vienna: JRP/Ringier, 2008, 183-191.

“The Phantasm(s) of Belonging: Belonging without Having Something in Common’.

Volksgarten Politics of Belonging. Edited by Adam Budak Petar Pakesh, Katia Schurl.

Kunsthaus Graz am Landes Museum Joanneum, 2008, 110-119.

Curatorial Translation, Edited by Suzana Milevska and Biljana Tanurovska, Skopje,

Macedonia: Euro-Balkan Press, 2008.

“Becoming Woman from a Feminist Point of View”. New Feminism: worlds of feminism,

queer and networking conditions. Edited by Marina Gržinić and Rosa Reitsamer. Vienna: Löcker Verlag, 2007, 41-48.

“Resistance that Cannot Be Recognised as Such – interview with Gayatri C. Spivak”.

          Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, London: Seagull Books, 2007, 57-85;

“Is Balkan Art History Global”. Is Art History Global? Edited by James Elkins. New York:

Routledge, 2006, 214-222.

“Macedonian Art Stories.” East Art Map. Edited by IRWIN, London: MIT Press/Afterall,

2006, 252-260.

“Hesitations, or About Political and Cultural Territories.” Cultural Territories. Edited by

Barbara Steiner, Julia Schäfer and Ilina Koralova. Köln:Verlag der Buchhandlung

Walther König, 2005, 31-43.

“Sozialistische Moderne – was war das? Heimat Moderne, Leipzig: Jovis Verlag, 2005,


“Esemeny teljesseg – csaladi archivumok mint esemenyek/retegek/leplezesek”. Exponalt

Emlek –Csaladi Kepek A Magan – Es Kozossegi Emlekezetben, Budapest:

Mukritikusok Nemzetkozy Szovetsege AICA Magyar Tagozata, 2005, 112-21.

“Curatorial Labyrinths in Macedonia” in Men in Black – Handbook of Curatorial Practice,

Edited by Christoph Tannert/Ute Tischchler, Kűnstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 2004.

“Curating Women Artists.„ CAMK. Kumamoto, Japan: Contemporary Art Museum, 2003-

2004, 661- 671.

“The portrait of an artist as a young strategic essentialist.‟ Tanja Ostojić - Strategies of

Success /Curators Series 2001-2003. La Box, Bourges and SKC, Belgrade, 2004, 33-


“The Readymade and the Question of Fabrication of Objects and Subjects.” Primary

Documents - A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art since the 1950s,

Edited by Laura Hoptman and Tomáš Pospiszyl, New York: The MOMA, 2002, 182-


“Suzana Milevska”, Die Anthologie der Kunst 2001-2002, Köln: DuMont Verlag, 2004, 93-4.

“Anthologie der Kunst”. Kunst Nach Ground Zero, Herausgegeben von Heinz Peter

Schwerfel, Köln: DuMont Verlag, 2002.

„Electronic Art: Fetish or Gift.‟ The Absolute, The Desperate, The Real. Edited by Marina

Grzinić, Celje, Slovenia: Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2001, 47-54.

“Cinderella Syndrome”. Future Perspective, Edited by Marina Grzinić, Umag, Croatia:

Gallery Cettina, 2001, 116-9.

“Capital and Gender: Wild Being and Tamed Being” in Capital and Gender. Edited by

Suzana Milevska, Skopje, 2001, 16-20.

“From the Bat's Point of View.” Eduardo Kac. Edited by P. T. Dobrila and A. Kostić, Kibla,

Maribor, 2000, 47-58.

“Stories about the Selves”. Magnus Bärtås, Kunstcentrum, Gävle, Sweden, 2000, 56-74.

“The Image of the Other” (preface) in The Image of the Other (English) Edited by Suzana

Milevska) Reader of original papers for the HESP/OSI Summer School: The Image of

the Other (1 -21 July 1999), OSI-Macedonia, 2000.

“Documenting the Aura” in What Memories for the Contemporary Arts,( Reader) Congress

of AICA, Rennes: University of Rennes, 1996.

“Documenting the Aura” in EAST V2 (a reader), V2, Rotterdam, 1996.

“The Question of the Fold” in Architecture and Film, Architecture and Film (Reader),

Skopje: SCCA, 1996.

“Interactivity: Promiscuity or Gesamtdatenwerk” in Interactivity (Reader), SCCA, 1996.

“Postmodernism - Religion Without God”, in Pluralia Tantum, Edited by Suzana Milevska

(A Reader of original and translated texts on the postmodern theory) Fenix, Skopje,


Žak Derida. Mamuzi - Stilovite na Niče. Tabernakul, Skopje, 1995. (Translation from English

and French into Macedonian), preface by Suzana Milevska for: Jacques Derrida.

Spurs -Nietzsche's Styles. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago London, 1979.

2.     Texts in catalogues

“Spaces Without Bodies: Beyond Representation of Militant Events and Images”           (Catalogue: Sabine Bitter and Helmut Weber), 2015 (In print).

“Tomislav Gotovac’s Embodied Violent Speech Acts as a Counterdiscourse and Institutional

Critique.” TG - Pure Words: Tomislav Gotovac, Vienna: Michaela Stock Gallery,


“CODE: Red-The Political and Art Economy of Sex Work”. Tadej Pogačar &

P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2014, 113-124.

“Dictionary of Transition.” Places of Transition, Curated by Gülsen Bal and Walter Seidl.               Freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL, 24 January – 21 March 2014, 9-17.   

 “Shoum Shoum Lajdi o Lau: The Politics of False Memories Syndrome and Altered

Connections”. Altered Connections-Recent Art from Serbia. Curated by Jeffrey Hughes. St. Louis, WA.: The Cecille R. Gallery-Webster University, 2013, 6-9.

“Feminist Agency in Sanja Iveković’s Work- “Apophatic” Vs. “Kataphatic” Principles”.     Sanja Iveković- Unknown Heroine. London:  Calvert 22 and South London            Gallery, 2012, 73-84.

“Artistic Strategies and Positions Challenging Post-Nazi Cultural Spaces”. Sanja Iveković Disobedient. Galerija SC, Zagreb, 2012.

“Lunar Geological Map of Racism: on Racism and Slavery as Addressed in Sasha             Huber’s “Rentyhorn”,  Rentyhorn-Agassizhorn.  Edited by Sasha Huber. Helsinki,         Finland: KIASMA, 2011, 33-40.

What It Feels to be a Girl. Jelena Kovačević Jureša. (Catalogue) Museum of             Contemporary Art Novi Sad, Serbia, 2009, 21-31.

‘What Comes After Racism?’ Vladan Jeremic and Rena Raedle (Catalogue) Museum of      Contemporary Art, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2009, 29-35, 57-63. 

Fragmented Archive of the Artist from the Country in Transition (Catalogue Gjorgje            Jovanovik) MC Gallery, New York, USA, 2009.

 “Workers’ Club” - International Prague Biennial – National Gallery, Prague, 2005

“Cosmopolis” – Microcosmos X Macrocosmos, Catalogue, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004

“Multiplications”. Catalogue. Museum of the City of Skopje and British Council, 2004.

“A Gaze at the Naked Truth”. Tanja Ostojić - Venice Diary. Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2002

“The Body Thinks”. Catalogue.  Museum of the City of Skopje, 2002

“Women Are Different Among Themselves”, Aren’t They? Liquor Amnii 1,2       (Catalogue), CAC, Skopje, 2000, 3-5

“Neighbours” (Catalogue for Oliver Musovik) Open Graphic Art Studio, Skopje,                         March, 2000, 3-14

 “Taking Shoes off” (Catalogue for Oliver Musovik) CIX Gallery, Skopje, March, 1999, 3-10

“Bodily Fluids” (Catalogue for Violeta Capovska). CIX Gallery, Skopje, June, 1999

Always Already Apocalypse” (Catalogue), IZIIS, Museum of the City of Skopje, 26       July, 1999

“Always Already Apocalypse 2” (Catalogue), Yuksel Sabanci Art Center, Istanbul,          18.09-2.10, 1999

“Faulty Ready Made”.  After the Wall (Catalogue), Moderna Museet, Stockholm,                                     16. 10. 1999

“Igor Tosevski”. After the Wall (Catalogue), Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 16. 10. 1999

 “Once Upon a Time” in Catalogue, Little Big Stories, Rijksarchivet, Stockholm,                         Sweden, 1998

 “A Story with Many Beginnings” in Catalogue Manifesta 2, Luxembourg, 28 June -              28 October, Luxemburg, 1998

“Liquor Amnii 2”, Convergence X Festival, Providence, U.S.A., June, 1997

 “The Bridge”, in Catalogue for Marina Abramovic, The Museum of the City of                         Skopje, Skopje, September, 1997

“Eavesdropping The Sites, Changing The Kilit”, in On Beauty, Translations and Other   Difficulties (Catalogue) 5th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul Foundation for            Culture and Arts, Istanbul, 5 Oct.-9November,1997

“Desiring Machines”, in Catalogue, A. Stankovski, Igor Tosevski......., Yildiz University,      Istanbul, 2-16 Nov. 1997

The Paradoxical Effects of the Performative Artistic Act”, in Catalogue for Igor Tosevski,        The Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, March 1997

“Liquor Amnii”, Skopje Summer Festival, 26,27,28 July, Skopje, 1996

“Nomadism of Signs”, (Žaneta Vangeli), in Catalogue: Orientation - The Vision of Art in the   Paradoxical World, for the 4th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul Foundation      for Culture and Arts, Istanbul, November, 1995

“Žaneta Vangeli”, in Catalogue, The Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia, City         Museum of  Skopje, SCCA, (for the 4th International Istanbul Biennial), Skopje, 1995

“The Pragmatism of Signs”, in Catalogue for Server Demirtas, Yildiz Teknik Universitasi,    Istanbul, November, 1995.

“Self and Other”, in Catalogue for Žaneta Vangeli, Mirna Arsovska, Aneta Svetieva, Yildiz   Teknik Universitasi, Istanbul, April, 1995

“Writing and Difference”, in Catalogue (Žaneta Vangeli, Bedi Ibrahim, Bogdan Grabuloski,     Violeta Blazeska, Tomur Atagok, Ismet Dogan, Server Demirtas, Helen Sear),    Gallery B, Istanbul, October, 1993

 “Art and Death”, in catalogue for Ismet Dogan, City Museum of Skopje, Skopje,                         September, 1993

“Order/Chaos”, in Catalogue (Aleksandar Stankovski, Zlatko Trajkovski, Žaneta                         Vangeli, Ismet Ramicevic, Suzana Milevska), City Museum of Skopje,                         Skopje, December, 1992

“Signature, Event, Context”, in Catalogue for S. Milevska and Robert Jankuloski, Youth Cultural Center, Skopje, June, 1992

“Chierogamy”, in Catalogue for Bedi Ibrahim, Yildiz Teknik Universitesi.Istanbul,              8-10, 1992

 “Fragment, Montage, Context”, in: Standpunkt: Macedonien Gruppe Zero Aus                         Skopje, catalogue, Osteuropaisches Kultur und Bildungzentrum, Cologne,                 May-June, 1990.

3.     Selected texts in periodicals (academic peer reviewed journals and professional art magazines)

‘Ágalma: The ‟Objet Petit a,” Alexander the Great, and Other Excesses of Skopje 2014’,              e-flux journal no. 57 (September 2014) 2014.

“Voice(s) of One’s Own: Writing a Catalogue Text as a Specific Genre of Interdisciplinary and Performative Writing”. On Curating. Issue 14, 2012: 31-35.

‘World Art in Reverse Perspective’. World Art, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group. Vol. I, Nu. 2, 2011, 273-81.

‘Women Bear Witness’, n-paradoxa, Vol. 28, 2011: 58-64.

 ‘Artistic and Theoretical Strategies Challenging Racism’. Red Thread.Archive / Issue 3   (2011),

‘Bellville, or the Return of Racism’. Exploring the Return of Repression. Bucharest: Pavilion Unicredit, Sept. –Nov., 2009: 23.

‘The Eternal Return of Race’. Springerin. Volume XV, Number 4, Autumn, Vienna, 2009:        25-9.

‘Is there Racism on the Moon?’ Frameworks –Finnish Art Review. No. 10, June, Helsinki, 2009:92-5.

‘Macedonian Photo Statements on Different Power Games and Strategies’. Eikon, 63, Vienna, 2008: 29-33.

‘Macedonia: Rogue State or State of Exception’. Evropa in Kapitalisticnem A(rt) Molu, Maska. Ljubljana, No. 115-116, Summer 2008: 52-9.

‘Casting Žižek: Manliness as a Masquerade.’ (with Katerina Kolozova). The International Journal of the Humanities.  Volume 5, Number 8, 2007: 157-163.

‘Sodelujoči in žrtve sodelovanja: Documenta 12’, Maska, Does Production Dance Alone, 2007. 

‘Balkan Subjectivity as Neither.’ Third Text. THE BALKANS. Guest Editors: Louisa Avgita and Juliet Steyn. Vol. 21, Issue 2, March 2007: 181-188.

‘Not Quite Bare Life: Rules and Exemptions.’ springerin. Documenta 11, Volume 13, Number 1, Winter, 2007: 37-41.

‘Participatory Art: A Paradigm Shift from Objects to Subjects.’ springerin. Volume 12, Number 2, Spring 2006:18-23.

‘Four Patches for the World Game’. PlatformaSCCA,Nu. 4, 2005: 56-65.

 ‘objects and bodies: objectification and over-identification in Tanja Ostojić's art projects.’ Feminist Review. Volume 81, Number 1, November 2005, 112-118(7).

 ‘Postcommunist Translations: Synonym, Homonym, Palindrome.’ springerin, Vienna, Vol.10 Spring Nu.1 2004:18-21.

Curating Women Artists‘. CAMK. Kumamoto, Japan: Contemporary Art Museum, 2003-2004, 661- 671.

 ‘The World as the Home for the Other.’ Springerin. Vienna, Vol. 8. Nu. 3/02, October November, 2002, 50-53.

‘Ready-made or Fabrication of Objects and Subjects’. Afterimage. Rochester, NY, Jan.-March, 2001

 ‘Curator in Feminine’. Curare. Mexico, Mexico, No. 1, Jan. 2001, 30-39.

‘Chocholatte & Papper’. Flash Art. Milan, Summer, 2000.

 ‘Skopje – Macedonia’. Flash Art. Milan, Nu. May-Juni, 1999.

‘Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Syndrome’. Springerin. Vienna, Nu. Marz-Juni,1999.

‘The First Peep-show in the City’. Flash Art. Milan, Summer, 1999.

 ‘Conceptual Art Vs. Aesthetics’. Golemoto Staklo. Skopje, Nu.7/8, 1999.

‘6th Istanbul Biennial’. Springerin. Vienna, Nu. Jully-October, 1999.

‘The Film as a Palindrome’. Macedonian Review. Skopje, 1998.

‘The Good, the Beautiful and the Stressed’. Index. Stockholm, Nu. 21, 1998.

‘The Faulty Ready Made Vs. the Perfect One’. Index. Stockholm, Nu. 22, 1998.

‘Anika Erikson’. Index. Stockholm, Nu. 23, 1998.

 ‘One Story, Many Narrators’. Krasnogruda. Sejny-Stockholm, No.8, 1998.

‘Permanent Instability - Onufri' 98’. Springerin. Vienna, Nu. Marz-Juni,1998.

‘It’s Highness: the SCENE’. Margina. Skopje, Nu. 30, 1997.

‘Renaissance of the Black and White Film’. Kinopis. Skopje, Nu. 17, 1997.

‘The Voice and the Light of the Invisibility’, Kinopis. Skopje, Nu. 17, 1997.

‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’. Siksi. Stockholm, Summer, Nu. 2, 1997.

‘Projection of High Energy’. (interview with Marina Abramovic), Golemoto staklo, Skopje, Nu. 6, 1997.

‘Languages of Beauty and Ethics’. (5th International Istanbul Biennial). Golemoto staklo, Skopje, Nu. 6, 1997.

‘Hysteroscopy or Anatomy as Destiny’. Golemoto Staklo. Skopje, No. 3, 1996.

‘The Film as a Text and Phantasm’ (the influences of deconstruction and psychoanalysis on film theory). Kinopis, Skopje, No. 14, 1996.

‘The Photographic Representation as Appropriation’. Kinopis. Skopje, Nu.15, 1996.

 ‘Sayilarin Pragmatigi’, Hurriet Gosteri. Istanbul, March, 1995.

‘Ben Ve Digeri’, Anouns. Istanbul, May, 1995.

 ‘Ismet Dogan kavramsalci mi nominalist mi’. Hurriet Gosteri. Istanbul, March, 1993.

‘Jazi ve Farkilik’. Anouns. Istanbul, Nov. 1993.

‘The Purloined Letter’ (Husseyn B. Alptekin and Michael Morris). Ars ve Dekorasyon. Istanbul, Dec. 1992.

4.     Citation Index

a)     Texts Included in Syllabi of Academic Courses

“Participatory Art: A Paradigm Shift from Objects to Subjects” inNew Fall Course: ARTS 105(F) Participatory Media Production” <>.    

 “Women are Different, Aren’t They?” in “FACS 4930.06: Cultural Theory through Interactive Multimedia” <>.                                                                                               

“Ready-made or Fabrication of Objects and Subjects” in Plagiarism, How not to do it. Writing Centre at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, <>.

b) Selected texts, interviews and reviews about Milevska’s curatorial projects and books, references, passim quotations

"Diese Geschichte wurde noch nicht geschrieben." Interview with Suzana Milevska by Andrea Heinz, Der Standard, 16. April 2014,

Interview With Macedonian Curator Suzana Milevska Kris Kulakova, Viennafair blog,

“Continuous Repositioning”, Interview with Suzana Milevska by Maja Ćirić, Supervizuelna –Online magazine for contemporary art, Belgrade, 2014,

Crista Benzer, ‘Suzana Milevska-The Renaming Machine-the Book’, springerin, 2011, XVII/2, 70-71.

Art and Globalization, Edited by James Elkins, Zhivka Valiavicharska, and Alice Kim, Pennsylvania University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010, 61. 165, 176, 210.  

Valerie Da Costa, ‘Artistes Chent Identitѐ’, Mouvement, Avril-Juin 2010, 146-150.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Martina Pachmanová, ‘The Double Life of Art in Eastern Europe’, Art Margins, Contemporary Central and East European Art and Visual Culture, 2 November 2009                                                                                                

EM. ‘Contemporary Arts in/beyond Macedonia’, Interview with Suzana Milevska, Euroart Magazine, web magazine, ISSUE09 / WINTER 2009, 2 November 2009 <>.                                                                                                                            

Dea Vidovic. ‘Interview with Suzana Milevska’, 2 November 2009 <>.                                                                                                                                                                                          

‘Interview with Suzana Milevska’, Apr 30th, 2008, Skopje, Macedonia, The Balkans Project, 2 November 2009                                                                                                                                                              

Соња Абаџиева. Супер(х)ерос.  Скопје: Национална галерија, Скопје 2007, 54, 110                                                                     Erden Kosova. East Art Map. London: Afterall, 2006, 500                                                                                                                     

Richard Vine. ‘Biennale gamble: doubling down: spawned by a curatorial feud, two international         biennials now vie for viewer attention in the Czech capital’, Art in America, Sept, 2005, 46-53, 2 November 2009 <>.                                                                                        <>.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Dubravka Djurić and Misko Šuvakovic. Impossible Histories. Boston, MA.: MIT Press, 2003, XII                                                                                                 

Концептуалниот дискурс во Македонија, уредник: Соња Абаџиева.  Музеј на современа уметност, Скопје, 2003, 135-7                                                                                                                                                                                             

Tanja Ostojić, In Search of Balkania A User’s Mannual. Edited by Roger Conover, Eda Cufer and Peter Weibel, Graz, Austria: Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 2002, 121                                                                                                      

‘Installation’, Installation – An Interview with Suzana Milevska conducted by Ivanka Apostolova;  Platforma SCCA  Centre for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana, No. 3, January 2002, 2 November 2009

<>. re-published in Wog art, multilingual Monthly Published art Magazine for Multicultural Australia, Sidney, Australia, March 2002                                                                                                                                                                                               

Katy Deepwell, ‘Capital and Gender’, n-paradoxa, 2002                                                                                                            

Соња Абаџиева. Длабоко дишење. Скопје: Лоренс Костер, 2001, 210.                                                                                

Бранислав Саркањац. Македонски катахрезис. Скопје: 359, 2001.                                                                                                               

Mark Terekessidis, ‘Vermessene Metaphern’. Texte zur Kunst, Berlin, September, 2001: 203-206

Vasif Kortun and Ahu Antmen. ‘The Istanbul Fall: A Journey Through a Sensitive Megapolis’, Flash Art, n. 209, November – December, 1999, 84-7                                                                                                                                                                      

Hakan Nilsson. ‘Konstnerrer som historieberttare, Little Big Stories’, Svenskadagbladet, Stockholm, 22.08.1998                                                                                                                                                                   Milou Allerholm. ‘De sma hjltarnas  berttelser’,  Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, 24.08. 1998       

Небојша Вилиќ. States of Changes. Скопје: Феникс, 1994, 203-7, 247.                                                                                                             


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