Thursday, April 28, 2016

Participation at conferences and other discursive and educational projects, 1996-2016

Suzana Milevska
Key-note speeches, presentations at international conferences and individual lectures (selected):

Normalities, panel at the exhibition opening, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, 19.01.
“Microhistories and Internalisation of Macrohistories,” book launch of Microhistories, Edited by Magnus Bärtås, Konsthall, Gothenburg, 19.03.                
“Infelicitous Participatory Acts”, lecture and seminar, Academy Valand, Gothenburg, 18.03.
“Through the Magnifying Glass of a Feminist: Representation of Women’s Body in Visual Art and Media”, School for Feminism, GEM Skopje, 20.02.

“Reverse Recuperation”: The Philanthropist, the Critique/Critic and the Trickster, A Proposalfor Open Call, Exnergasse, curated by Vera Lauf and Barbara Mahlknecht,  Vienna, 13.11. 
CEI Venice Forum, Continental Breakfast-Studio Tomasseo, Trieste, 24.10
Microhistories, seminar and workshop, in collaboration with Konstfack, Stockholm and prof. Magnus Bärtås, 11-14.09.
“Butterfly Effect”, The Long Moment, curated by Lina Morawttz,  Exnergasse, Vienna, 03.09.
“Triangulations of Estrangement: The subject, the object and the animal”,  Summer Institute SAAS-Fee, Warren Neidich and Barry Schwabsky, 13.06.
“The Lack and its “Supplement”: The visible and invisible violence of monuments, Invisible Violencesymposium, Salzburger Kunstwerein, 18.03.
“Landscapes Without Bodies”, lecture, In Transitional Landscapes symposium, Karin Reisenberg/Amila Siberbegović, Paradocks/TUW, (Packhaus), 17.01.2015, Vienna

“From Parasitism to Institutional Critique”, Lecture in the context of the retrospective exhibition of Tadej Pogačar, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 19.12.2014.
“Participatory Budgeting” workshop leader, Critical Management in Curating, Schnittpunkt, 09-10.12.2014 Vienna
“After Before: Re-writing Art Histories, Self-historisation and Other Contradictions”, me Collection, Berlin, 13.11.
“The Impossibility of Cultural Translation of Blue”, Blue Times, Kunsthalle, Vienna, 04.12.2014
Becoming-Curator, tranzit, 10.10.2014, Bratislava
Miracles Can Happen- A theoretical reflection on miracles, Microhistories (research project and exhibition by Magnus Bärtås),Tensta, Stockholm, 10.09.2014.
The (Im)Possibility of Commoning, Tranzit.Cz 17.07. 2014, Prague
Introduction and moderation of the session with Silvia Federici, Summer School
Commoning the City (organised by Prof. Anette Baldauf and Prof. Renate Lorenz, PhD by Practice, Academy of Fine Arts). 23.06.2014
Launch of the book: Performing the Sentence, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, 17.06.2014
BODY THINKS, Or Cognitive Body Vs. Essentialism, Objectification and Ideal Body Imagery, Lecture in the context of the retrospective exhibition of Vlasta Delimar, Museum of Contemporary Museum, Zagreb, 10.06. 2014 Zagreb, Croatia                                                                                                      
“Word Bridges - Dictionary of Curatorial Agency-workshop”,ECM Module Curatorial Agency, 13.04. 2014                                                  
Introduction of Esther Shalev Gerz and moderator of the session, Europe: The City is Burning (curated by Sophie Golz, Stadtkuratorien Hamburg) 
Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg. 24.05.2014
“The Lack and its “Supplement”: Gender and Agency in Public Space”, Invisible Violence (symposium curated by Zoran Erić), Youth House, Belgrade, 10 May 
Immaterial Monuments, curator of the workshop with Art Agent Stockholm and Macedonian artists, Youth Cultural Centre, Skopje, 23-25 April 2014                     Presenter and moderator of a discussion, Microhistories (research project by Magnus Bärtås), Moderna Museet and Konstfack, Stockholm, 10-12.02. 2014  “Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice: A Reverse Perspective”, lecture and workshop, Igor Zabel Association/SCCA-Ljubljana, 05.02. 2014                                                                                                                                       
On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency, curating and moderating the symposium, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 3-4 April 2014
“Not-Yet Ready Made”, public lecture, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 11.03. 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
“Becoming-Curator”, How to Become a Curator (with Ruth Noack), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Erste Foundation. 15.11.2013                                         
“The Invisible Borderlines of Racism: From amnesia to racist allure in visual representation”, individual public lecture, Mauthausen Project series of lectures:
ERINNERUNGSORTE IN BEWEGUNG - Vortragsreihe zur Neugestaltung der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen, TUW, Vienna, 04.11.2013.
“Veils/Folds/Events- Production of face in space-time”, Not Now/Now, curated by Renate Lorenz, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 17.10.2013.
Balkan is Now, moderator of the debate (curator Gulsun Bal), DEPO, Vienna. 10.10.2013                          
Highly Curved Loops of Space-Time: Art History in Regional Perspective”, inaugural lecture, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine
Arts Vienna, 15.10. 2013 ‘
Woman must put herself into the text: Feminist Agency of Sanja Iveković’s Art’, workshop in the context of Sanja Iveković’s solo exhibition Unknown Heroine
15 participants, 27.01.2013, Calvert 22, London
"Gender and Agency in Public Space”, How to Identify with Difference? Curated by Elke Krasny, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, 29.01.2013.

“Staging the Transgression”, Civil Partnerships: Queer and Feminist Curating, TATE Modern, London.
Post-Representational Curating: Talking About Curatorial Agency Suzana Milevska In Conversation with Nora Sternfeld”, Alvar Aalto Univerity, Helsinki
On the (Im)possibility of (Re)naming”, A Conversation about the formation of nationaliconographies and their framing, in the context of Jasmina Cibic’s exhibition, UGM, Maribor
“Agency and Reverse Recuperation”, More Europe, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw
“Voices and Choirs of Dissent: Reverse recuperation” Curatorial Summer Workshop, Royal Art Institute, Stockholm
“Curatorial Agency as Cultural Translation and Knowledge Production”, lecture at ECM, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
“Curatorial Theory and Practice: A Reverse Perspective”, Angewandtes Ausstellen, University of
Applied Arts, Vienna

“Epistemological and Ethical Turn in Curatorial Knowledge Production -practice and theory”- PhD by research programme with Renate Lorenz, Academy of Fine Art, Vienna
“Art Practice Based Research: Events of Production of Knowledge, Artistic Research and Ethical
Conundrums”, Conference report, SHARE/ELIA Conference, KUVA, Helsinki
“Roma Protocol”, Safe European Home? Architektur Zentrum Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna
“Feminist Research in Art”, Art as a Thinking Process, IUAV and EARN, Venice, Italy
“NSK State – a relationship of ‘belonging without belonging”, Red District Symposium, Curated by Alexei Monro, Trbovlje, Slovenia                                  “Feminist Art as Agency: Apophatic vs. Kataphatic Principle”, TransYgoslav Feminsms: Women’sHeritage Revisited, Gliptoteka, Zagreb, Croatia

“The Reciprocal Relationship between Art and Visual Culture in the Balkans,”Space (Re)solutions: Intervention and Research In Visual Culture, edited by Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, Technical University Vienna

“Can the Subaltern Speak East”, Workshop at the Gender Check, curated by Bojana Pejic, MUMOK,
“What can transnational feminist theory learn from regional feminism”, Feminist Review Conference: Feminist Theory and                        Global Perspective, SOAS, University of London, London (UK)
                   “Internalisation of Institutional Critique”, Evaluating and Formative Goals of Art Criticism in Recent   
                   (De)territorialized Contexts, AICA Seminar, Cultural Centre “Mala Stanica”,
National Gallery, Skopje (Macedonia)
                   “The Importance of Gendered Interpretation of Contemporary Art”, CEI Curatorial Forum, Palazzo
Zorzi, Venice (Italy)
                   “Internalisation of the Institutional Critique”, Conference: The Next Step, Curated by Zdenka
Badovinac, Moderna Galeria, Ljubljana (Slovenia)              
                                      “Whatever Belonging”, IKT (Key-note speech at the opening of the International Association of
Curators Congress, KIASMA Museum, Helsinki

World Art Forum, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
“Participatory Art and its Hierarchies”. On Participation – POPP’68 Conference, Academy of Visual
Arts, Berlin

“Casting Žižek: Manliness as a Masquerade” (workshop with Katerina Kolozova), Humanities 
                                       Symposium: New Directions for the Humanities, Columbia University, New York (USA)
Globalization of Art, Stone Summer Theory Institute, Director: James Elkins, SAIC, Chicago, IL
“Phantasms of Belonging Vs. Participation”, key-note, Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria

“Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasm of Belonging”, SSEES (School of Slavonic and Eastern      
                                       European Studies), Inclusion/Exclusion, London 
                                       “An-archiving Gender Difference in the Balkans”, ESC, Graz, Austria
Lecture: The Question of the Veil in the Balkans, and conference paper ‘Balkan Subjectivity as Neither’, Balkans Exhibited: A Debate: Art under Construction, City University London
“Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasms of Belonging”, Performance Rights, Queen Mary University
Lecture: “Not Quite Bare Life”, Conference Polture and Cultics, eipcp Vienna/Maison Del’ Europe, Paris
“Not Quite Bare Life: Rules and Exemption”, Documenta 12 Conference, Nehru University, New

“Staged Invisibility”, Conference Strategies of (In)visibility, Republicart project, eipcp, Vienna and
Goldsmiths College, Camden Art Centre, London
                                      “Political and Gender Troubles: Art in Eastern Europe”, Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto,
Workers’ Club Conference, (curator and participant) International Biennial - National Gallery Prague

“Photography and Transgression of Identities in the Balkans”, Conference “Crossing the Borders in
 the Balkans,” Oxford University Balkan Society, Oxford (UK)
Of Balkan Hospitality in the Age of Ultimate Postcolonial” Conference with Gayatri C. Spivak,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje 

“Objects and Subjects: Politically Engaged Art”, Conference “Cultural Territories,” GfCA, Leipzig
“The Question of Ready-made and Fabrication of Objects and Subjects”, Badischer Kunstwerein,
Karlsruhe (Germany)
“Correspondences and Privileges”, Manifesta 4, Fine Art Academy, Frankfurt (Germany)
“The Home of the Other”, CATH Conference on Hospitality, University of Leeds, Leeds (UK)
“Ready-Made in Macedonian Contemporary Art”, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
“Fluids, Stories, Geographies”, lecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Zagreb (Croatia)
“Several Paradoxes of Art Critique and Curatorship”, lecture, University of Zagreb, History of Art
Department, Zagreb (Croatia)

Fetish or Gift”, The Real, the Absolute, the Desperate (curator: Marina Grzinic) Steirische
Herbst Festival) Forum Stadtpark, Graz (Austria)

Summer Institute in World Art Studies – Getty Foundation Program, University of East Anglia –
SCVA, Norwich (UK)
                                      “Self-referentialism Vs. Criticism”, AICA Congress, Tate Modern Museum, London 
“Church, House, Mother”, Co-operation – International Forum for feminist Art and Theory, curated
by Sanja Ivekovic, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

“DAS  CAPITAL: Spectacle or Screen”, symposium "After the Wall," Moderna Museet, Stockholm
                   “Fluids, Desires, Stories”, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago (USA)

The Western Curator Goes to East or Cinderella Syndrome “, Europe: Cluster for New Peripheries
(AICA), Manifesta 2, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg   
“East is East, West is West, Yugoslavia is the Best”, New Situations, Casino Luxembourg,
“Instability of the Balkan Subject”, National Art Gallery, Onufri Festival, Tirana (Albania)

“Female Art through the Looking Glass”, Symposium Women Creators between the Two Seas,
Aristoteles University, Thessaloniki (Greece)
“Y is for Confluence?” lecture on contemporary women artists from Macedonia, MOBIUS Art Center
Boston (USA)/Lecture with slide and video projection about the project "Liquor Amnii" in
Providence, USA, SCCA-Skopje
Lecture about the 5th International Istanbul Biennial and about the project "Desiring Machines"
The Body as a Spectacle, Art and Theatre, IFA, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje
Un-ready Ready-made”, Ex-Natio - Annual Exhibition of SCCA-Bulgaria,Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

“Documenting the Aura”, International Congress of AICA, University of Rennes (France),                                     
“Documenting the Aura”, "EAST V2", DEAF, Rotterdam (NL)
“Iteractivity: Promiscuity or Gesamtdatenwerk”, Interactivity, organized by SCCA, Skopje during the      
 Second Annual Exhibition "Icon on Silver" , Youth Cultural Center, Skopje (Macedonia)
                                       Presentation of the CD Rom "Icon on Silver", 9 electronic interactive projects by different
 Macedonian artists, Istanbul (Turkey), Yildiz Technical University   
“Self-refferentiality and Criticism”, Central European University in Prague and the Göethe
Institute, Modernity and After, Prague (Czech Republic)
“Deprivation from Images”, 4th International Istanbul Biennial, conference Oriental Challenge in
Arts, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul (Turkey)
“The Question of Fold  in Architecture and Film”, Architecture and Film, Faculty of Architecture (University of St. Cyril and Methodius"), Skopje (Macedonia)

“Contemporary Art in the Balkans”, Art in Balkans - Middle Ages and Contemporaneity,              
Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
“Art Critique as Installation”, Göethe Institute, Symposium within the program of the Festival of German Art and Culture and the "Memento"  exhibition Prague (Czech Republic)
“Critical Regionalism or The Paradoxes of  Nationalism and Internationalism”,  conference Nationalism/Internationalism, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje

“Intermedia”, Macedonian TV, Skopje (Macedonia), six 10 min. programs about the relations among
 the painting, photography, video and film
“Postmodernism - Religion without God”, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Student International
Biennial Skopje (Macedonia)

1992                      Deconstruction and Art Criticism (curator and moderator of the conference, invited speakers; Ferid
Muhić, Danilo Kocevski and Bojan Ivanov) Youth Cultural Center, Skopje (Macedonia)


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