CV 2010
PhD, Goldsmiths College
Born 1961, Bitola, Macedonia
Address: Ruzveltova 46 A I-5, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
Tel. +389(0)2 3228 198
Research and curatorial interests:
representation of gender difference, feminism and psychoanalysis, gender theory and photography (Eastern Europe and the Balkans), socially and politically engaged art by women artists, participatory and collaborative art
2006 Ph.D. Goldsmiths College – University of London, London
1993-1994 MA at CEU College - Prague, in Art History, History and Philosophy of Art and Architecture
1989-1992 Postgraduate studies at Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade - Art History Dept. - Modern Art.
1992 Intensive course on "Comparative Cultural Studies" at Center of Comparative Studies, European Culture and Art, Bogasici, University of Istanbul
1985-1986 Graduate studies at Classical Studies Dept. -University "Cyrillo and Methodius" - Skopje
1979-1984 B.A. at The Faculty of Philosophy, Art History Dept. at University
"Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje
2010- present Art History and Theory, Faculty of Fine Arts –
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje
2010 –present Visiting Professor in Gender, Art and Media, New York University –
Skopje (MA level)
2009 – 2010 Visiting Professor in Digital Arts, New York University –
Skopje(MA level)
2008 – 2009 Visiting Professor in Fine Arts, New York University – Skopje
2008 – 2010 Professor in Art History and Analysis of Styles, Accademia
Italiana - Skopje (undergraduate)
2006 - 2008 Lecturer in Visual Culture and Gender, Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje(MA,Ph.D.)
Lecturer in Academic Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje (MA, Ph.D.)
2003/2005 Visiting Tutor, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Visual
Cultures, (BA/Diploma/MA)
Courses: Framing Art: Museum and Galleries, Curatorial Knowledge
Techniques and Technologies-History and Theory of Photography
2010 Chief Curator of the 2nd Roma Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2011
2006-2008 Director of the Center for Visual and Cultural Research at the
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”
2005 International Curator, ‘Workers’ Club Project’ – one of the co-
curators of the International Contemporary Art Biennale - Prague,
Czech Republic
2004 National Curator, Cosmopolis: Microcosmos X Macrocosmos – Balkan
Biennial, Thessalonica, Greece
1997/2005 Curator at the Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia
1995-1999 National Curator for Macedonia, Istanbul International Art
Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
2004 Fulbright Senior Research Scholarship, Library of Congress,
Washington D.C. Women Immigrants from the Balkans in the Early
American Photography
2002-2004 Overseas Research Studentship, PhD: Gender Difference in the
2001 P. Getty Curatorial Research Grant, Representation of Women in
the Early Balkan Photography
1999 Arts Link Grant – curatorial research, The School of the Art
Institute of Chicago, IL
Membership in Professional Associations, Boards and Juries:
From 2009 World Art, Journal, Rutledge, Advisory Board’s Member
From 2005 IKT (International Association of Curators), member
From 2005 Feminist Review, Collective Member (2005-06), and International
Correspondent, London (2005-present)
2005 SIGGRAPH, Electronic Art Festival, L.A. USA, jury member,
West Balkan Artist in residence programme, NIFCA, Helsinki, jury
2004 / 2006 International Advisory Board of Contemporary Art Museum
Kumamoto, Japan
From 1994 A.I.C.A. (International Association of Art Critic), member
From 2002 IFUW (International Federation of University Women), member
1998 Exhibition "Permanent Instability" - First International
Exhibition, "ONUFRI'98" Festival,Tirana, Jury member,
1997 Exhibition "Murder One," Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA –
Belgrade, Jury member
1996 Exhibition "Icon on Silver" - Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA-
Skopje, Jury member
2009 ‘Can the Subaltern Speak East’, Workshop at the Gender Check, curated by
Bojana Pejic, MUMOK, Vienna
‘What can transnational feminist theory learn from regional feminism’,
Feminist Review Conference: Feminist Theory and Activism in Global
Perspective, SOAS, University of London, London (UK)
‘Internalisation of Institutional Critique’, Evaluating and Formative
Goals of Art Criticism in Recent (De)territorialized Contexts, AICA
Seminar, participant and curator, Cultural Centre “Mala Stanica”,
National Gallery, Skopje (Macedonia)
The Importance of Gendered Interpretation of Contemporary Art’, CEI
Curatorial Forum, Palazzo Zorzi, Venice (Italy)
‘Internalisation of the Institutional Critique’, Conference: The Next
Step, Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Moderna Galeria, Ljubljana
‘Whatever Belonging’, IKT (International Association of Curators)
Congress, Kiazma Museum, Helsinki
2008 World Art Forum, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East
Anglia, Norwich, UK
‘Participatory Art and its Hierarchies’. On Participation – POPP’68
Conference, Academy of Visual Arts, Berlin
2007 ‘Casting Žižek: Manliness as a Masquerade’ (workshop with Katerina
Kolozova), Humanities
Symposium: New Directions for the Humanities, Columbia University, New
York (USA)
Globalization of Art, Stone Summer Theory Institute, Director: James
Elkins, SAIC, Chicago, IL
‘Phantasms of Belonging Vs. Participation’, Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria
2006 ‘Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasm of Belonging’, SSEES,
Inclusion/Exclusion, London
‘An-archiving Gender Difference in the Balkans’, ESC, Graz, Austria
‘Balkan Subjectivity as Neither’, Balkans Exhibited: A Debate: “Art under
Construction,” City University -London
‘Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasms of Belonging’, Performance Rights, Queen
Mary University London
‘Not Quite Bare Life: Rules and Exemption’, Documenta 12 Conference,
Goethe Insstitute, New Delhi
2005 ‘Staged Invisibility’, Conference Strategies of (In)visibility,
Republicart project, eipcp, Vienna and Goldsmiths College, Camden Art
Centre, London
‘Political and Gender Troubles – Art in Eastern Europe’, Contemporary Art
Museum, Kumamoto, Japan
Workers’ Club Conference, (curator and participant) International
Biennial - National Gallery Prague
2003 ‘Photography and Transgression of Identities in the Balkans,’
Conference “Crossing the Borders in the Balkans,” Oxford University
Balkan Society, Oxford (UK)
‘Of Balkan Hospitality in the Age of Ultimate Postcolonial’ Conference
with Gayatri C. Spivak, MOCA, Skopje
2002 ‘Objects and Subjects: Politically Engaged Art’, Conference “Cultural
Territories,” GfCA, Leipzig (Germany)
‘The Question of Ready-made and Fabrication of Objects and Subjects’,
Badischer Kunstwerein, Karlsruhe
‘Correspondences and Privileges’, Manifesta 4, Frankfurt (Germany)
‘The Home of the Other’, CATH Conference on Hospitality, University of
Leeds, Leeds (UK)
‘Ready-Made in Macedonian Contemporary Art’, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2000 Summer Institute in World Art Studies – Getty Foundation Program,
University of East Anglia - SCVA (GB)
‘Self-referentialism Vs. Criticism’, AICA Congress, Tate Modern Museum,
1999 ‘DAS CAPITAL: Spectacle or Screen,’ symposium "After the Wall," Moderna
Museet, Stockholm
‘Fluids, Desires, Stories’, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago (USA)
1998 ‘Cinderella Syndrome’, Europe: Cluster for New Peripheries (AICA),
Manifesta 2, Casino Luxembourg
PhD, Goldsmiths College
Born 1961, Bitola, Macedonia
Address: Ruzveltova 46 A I-5, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
Tel. +389(0)2 3228 198
Research and curatorial interests:
representation of gender difference, feminism and psychoanalysis, gender theory and photography (Eastern Europe and the Balkans), socially and politically engaged art by women artists, participatory and collaborative art
2006 Ph.D. Goldsmiths College – University of London, London
1993-1994 MA at CEU College - Prague, in Art History, History and Philosophy of Art and Architecture
1989-1992 Postgraduate studies at Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade - Art History Dept. - Modern Art.
1992 Intensive course on "Comparative Cultural Studies" at Center of Comparative Studies, European Culture and Art, Bogasici, University of Istanbul
1985-1986 Graduate studies at Classical Studies Dept. -University "Cyrillo and Methodius" - Skopje
1979-1984 B.A. at The Faculty of Philosophy, Art History Dept. at University
"Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje
2010- present Art History and Theory, Faculty of Fine Arts –
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje
2010 –present Visiting Professor in Gender, Art and Media, New York University –
Skopje (MA level)
2009 – 2010 Visiting Professor in Digital Arts, New York University –
Skopje(MA level)
2008 – 2009 Visiting Professor in Fine Arts, New York University – Skopje
2008 – 2010 Professor in Art History and Analysis of Styles, Accademia
Italiana - Skopje (undergraduate)
2006 - 2008 Lecturer in Visual Culture and Gender, Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje(MA,Ph.D.)
Lecturer in Academic Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”, Skopje (MA, Ph.D.)
2003/2005 Visiting Tutor, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Visual
Cultures, (BA/Diploma/MA)
Courses: Framing Art: Museum and Galleries, Curatorial Knowledge
Techniques and Technologies-History and Theory of Photography
2010 Chief Curator of the 2nd Roma Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2011
2006-2008 Director of the Center for Visual and Cultural Research at the
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute “Euro-Balkan”
2005 International Curator, ‘Workers’ Club Project’ – one of the co-
curators of the International Contemporary Art Biennale - Prague,
Czech Republic
2004 National Curator, Cosmopolis: Microcosmos X Macrocosmos – Balkan
Biennial, Thessalonica, Greece
1997/2005 Curator at the Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia
1995-1999 National Curator for Macedonia, Istanbul International Art
Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
2004 Fulbright Senior Research Scholarship, Library of Congress,
Washington D.C. Women Immigrants from the Balkans in the Early
American Photography
2002-2004 Overseas Research Studentship, PhD: Gender Difference in the
2001 P. Getty Curatorial Research Grant, Representation of Women in
the Early Balkan Photography
1999 Arts Link Grant – curatorial research, The School of the Art
Institute of Chicago, IL
Membership in Professional Associations, Boards and Juries:
From 2009 World Art, Journal, Rutledge, Advisory Board’s Member
From 2005 IKT (International Association of Curators), member
From 2005 Feminist Review, Collective Member (2005-06), and International
Correspondent, London (2005-present)
2005 SIGGRAPH, Electronic Art Festival, L.A. USA, jury member,
West Balkan Artist in residence programme, NIFCA, Helsinki, jury
2004 / 2006 International Advisory Board of Contemporary Art Museum
Kumamoto, Japan
From 1994 A.I.C.A. (International Association of Art Critic), member
From 2002 IFUW (International Federation of University Women), member
1998 Exhibition "Permanent Instability" - First International
Exhibition, "ONUFRI'98" Festival,Tirana, Jury member,
1997 Exhibition "Murder One," Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA –
Belgrade, Jury member
1996 Exhibition "Icon on Silver" - Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA-
Skopje, Jury member
2009 ‘Can the Subaltern Speak East’, Workshop at the Gender Check, curated by
Bojana Pejic, MUMOK, Vienna
‘What can transnational feminist theory learn from regional feminism’,
Feminist Review Conference: Feminist Theory and Activism in Global
Perspective, SOAS, University of London, London (UK)
‘Internalisation of Institutional Critique’, Evaluating and Formative
Goals of Art Criticism in Recent (De)territorialized Contexts, AICA
Seminar, participant and curator, Cultural Centre “Mala Stanica”,
National Gallery, Skopje (Macedonia)
The Importance of Gendered Interpretation of Contemporary Art’, CEI
Curatorial Forum, Palazzo Zorzi, Venice (Italy)
‘Internalisation of the Institutional Critique’, Conference: The Next
Step, Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Moderna Galeria, Ljubljana
‘Whatever Belonging’, IKT (International Association of Curators)
Congress, Kiazma Museum, Helsinki
2008 World Art Forum, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East
Anglia, Norwich, UK
‘Participatory Art and its Hierarchies’. On Participation – POPP’68
Conference, Academy of Visual Arts, Berlin
2007 ‘Casting Žižek: Manliness as a Masquerade’ (workshop with Katerina
Kolozova), Humanities
Symposium: New Directions for the Humanities, Columbia University, New
York (USA)
Globalization of Art, Stone Summer Theory Institute, Director: James
Elkins, SAIC, Chicago, IL
‘Phantasms of Belonging Vs. Participation’, Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria
2006 ‘Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasm of Belonging’, SSEES,
Inclusion/Exclusion, London
‘An-archiving Gender Difference in the Balkans’, ESC, Graz, Austria
‘Balkan Subjectivity as Neither’, Balkans Exhibited: A Debate: “Art under
Construction,” City University -London
‘Non-Schengen Art: The Phantasms of Belonging’, Performance Rights, Queen
Mary University London
‘Not Quite Bare Life: Rules and Exemption’, Documenta 12 Conference,
Goethe Insstitute, New Delhi
2005 ‘Staged Invisibility’, Conference Strategies of (In)visibility,
Republicart project, eipcp, Vienna and Goldsmiths College, Camden Art
Centre, London
‘Political and Gender Troubles – Art in Eastern Europe’, Contemporary Art
Museum, Kumamoto, Japan
Workers’ Club Conference, (curator and participant) International
Biennial - National Gallery Prague
2003 ‘Photography and Transgression of Identities in the Balkans,’
Conference “Crossing the Borders in the Balkans,” Oxford University
Balkan Society, Oxford (UK)
‘Of Balkan Hospitality in the Age of Ultimate Postcolonial’ Conference
with Gayatri C. Spivak, MOCA, Skopje
2002 ‘Objects and Subjects: Politically Engaged Art’, Conference “Cultural
Territories,” GfCA, Leipzig (Germany)
‘The Question of Ready-made and Fabrication of Objects and Subjects’,
Badischer Kunstwerein, Karlsruhe
‘Correspondences and Privileges’, Manifesta 4, Frankfurt (Germany)
‘The Home of the Other’, CATH Conference on Hospitality, University of
Leeds, Leeds (UK)
‘Ready-Made in Macedonian Contemporary Art’, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2000 Summer Institute in World Art Studies – Getty Foundation Program,
University of East Anglia - SCVA (GB)
‘Self-referentialism Vs. Criticism’, AICA Congress, Tate Modern Museum,
1999 ‘DAS CAPITAL: Spectacle or Screen,’ symposium "After the Wall," Moderna
Museet, Stockholm
‘Fluids, Desires, Stories’, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago (USA)
1998 ‘Cinderella Syndrome’, Europe: Cluster for New Peripheries (AICA),
Manifesta 2, Casino Luxembourg
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